A relevant Draft Resolution, introduced by the People´s Deputies, M. Prysiazhniuk, R. Tkach and V. Bevzenko, was Registered in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


The Draft Resolution (Reg.No.1474) proposes that in April 2008, Parlimentary Hearings are held on this matter on the Parliamentary Floor.


The Cabinet of Ministers has been commissioned to prepare and submit to Parliament, no later than 25 March 2008, analytical and reference data concerning the legislative framework behind the launch of an Agricultural Land Market in Ukraine.


The authors of the Draft Resolution also recommend that both the National TV and Radio Companies of Ukraine, with assistance from the Information Office of the Office and Administrative Department of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, provide coverage of Parliamentary Hearings on the Channel 1 of Ukrainian Radio and TV, and other Media.


The People´s Deputies believe that the holding of Parliamentary Hearings on this matter in The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is necessary to draw the attention of Governmental Institutions, Political Parties, the wider general Public, and the Media, to the issue of legislative framework for the introduction of an Agricultural Land Market in Ukraine, and to define a strategic route in tackling this problem through the State Policy.

The authors note, that in the absence of fundamental Laws such as, ‘On State Land Cadastre´, On State Land (Mortgage) Bank of Ukraine´, ‘On Agricultural Land Market´, and given, at this time, the poorly developed market infrastructure in the country, any introduction of an Agricultural Land Market seems impossible.

 A number of specific steps should be taken towards Legislative Regulation in Ukraine of development of the Agricultural Land Market infrastructure, and the rules for regulation, at a Legislative level, of the national market should be elaborated on, o harmonize Ukrainian legislation with that now present in European Union countries.


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